You can also use your bike in the same way, but jumping off a scooter is much easier. Diggler Scooters are no longer in business although they were one of the first widely used scooter brands for Joring. Scooter (mine is an Alpha Dawg Diggler Scooter.These keep the line from tangling in the front tire). There are bumper designs like mine and also extender designs such as the popular Non-Stop Dogwear one that can be bought on Amazon.
Scooter Attachment (this wraps around the scooter front to allow the line to be attached, also from Alpine Outfitters).The one you see in my current photos is a two dog line. Gangline (I have multiple, some from Affordable Dog Sleds, some from Alpine Outfitters).Neckline (mine is from Alpine Outfitters).X-Back Harness & Semi-Slip Collar for each dog (Harnesses are from Howling Dog Alaska, Collars from Alpine Outfitters, I also sometimes use the circle collars from Howling Dog Alaska, i just find Semi-Slip easier to deal with personally).